Liturgies for Seasons of Dying

  • For When the News is Bad

  • For Hours of Uncertainty

  • For the Feeling of Infirmities

  • Before a Medical Treatment

  • For the Morning of a Medical Procedure

  • For Dying Well

  • For a Time of Widespread Suffering

  • For Those Who Tend a Loved One in Decline

  • Interceding for One slowly Losing Function

  • For Those Facing the Slow Loss of Memory

  • For Long-Term Care Givers

  • For Caregivers in Need of Rest

  • For the Living of Last Things

  • Praise for This Day of Life

  • Releasing Ambitions & Embracing Christ

  • For Preparing the Heart to Return to God What Is His

  • Seeking Amendment & Reconciliation

  • Stir Courage in a Child Facing Death

  • For a Child Contemplating Heaven

  • For Those Who Will Gather to Grieve For Me

  • For the Dying and Their Friends

  • For Those Who Tend the Sick or Dying

  • A Lesson We May Learn from Death

  • Giving Voice to the Costly Confession

  • For Moments When Dying Feels Unfair

  • For those Enduring Lasting Pain

  • For One Who Lingers in a Long Dying

  • For the Speaking of Meaningful Things

  • One Might Record for Their Own Funeral

  • For Letting Go of the Hope of Recovery

  • For the Weighing of Last-Stage Medical Options

  • 12 Meditations to Anchor the Heart in Eternal Hopes

  • To Begin a Beside Vigil

  • Before Ending Life Support

  • For the Final Hours

  • Momentary Liturgies

  • Intercession Against the Kingdom of Death

Liturgies for Seasons of Grieving

  • Lamenting the Passing of a Public Figure

  • For the Wake of a National Tragedy

  • For Grieving a Death Due to Natural Disaster

  • For the Loss of a Close Sibling

  • For the Loss of a Loving Parent

  • For the Loss of a Spouse

  • For Grieving a Death Due to Violence

  • For Those Who Have Suffered a Stillbirth or Miscarriage

  • For One Who Suffers Shame or Guilt after a Miscarriage

  • For the Loss of a Child

  • Grieving the Loss of One Whose Relationship to Their Creator Was Unknown

  • Before Mourning with Those Who Mourn

  • For the Morning of a Funeral I

  • For the Morning of a Funeral II

  • Lament for a Loss

  • Forgiving Unintended wounds

  • For One Responsible for an Accidental Death

  • For Those Who Feel Abandoned By One Who Chose Suicide

  • For Grieving Well Amidst the Confusion of a Suicide

  • For One Who Suffers Grief & Guilt Over a Past Abortion

  • For Caregivers after the Loss of a Loved One

  • For the Scattering of Ashes

  • For Missing Someone

  • to Welcome Another Into My Grief

  • For a Friend of One Who Grieves

  • Upon Waking from a Disturbing Dream of One Lost

  • Upon Waking from a Comforting Dream of One Lost

  • For the Litany of Regrets

  • For When Someone Thinks You Should Be Over it by Now

  • For Those Who Share a Common Loss

  • To Begin a Family Gathering After Loss

  • For Removing One's Wedding Ring

  • For sorting Through A Loved One's Things

  • For Returning to Daily Life after Loss

  • For a Loss Experienced Anew Daily

  • For the Hardship of Holidays

  • For the Anniversary of a Loss

  • For Remembering the Life of One We Loved

  • For Embracing Both Joy & Sorrow



  • A Liturgy for the Writing of Liturgies


  • A Liturgy of Praise to Christ who Conquered Death


  • A Liturgy Entreating the Lord to Bless These, Our Small Offerings

  • A Liturgy of Praise to Christ Who Labors Through His People